

Community score

-1.27 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: Spain
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1944 and based in Madrid, Spain, the company operates mainly in the energy sector, focusing on three core business segments. Its Generation and Supply segment is engaged in the production of electricity using both renewable and non-renewable sources. The Distribution segment ensures that electricity reaches consumers efficiently and reliably. Further strengthening its commitment to sustainability, the company also invests in the Renewables segment, developing and managing energy production from wind, solar, hydro, and biomass sources. Endesa is the flagship brand representing the company's services and products. As a prominent provider in the Spanish market, Endesa is a household name, offering electricity and natural gas supply among other energy solutions. In Portugal, the company extends its expertise through Endesa Generación Portugal. While the firm has had a notable presence in Latin America, any direct operations in these markets are determined by the overarching corporate strategy, which may have changed over time. (Powered by AI)

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