Community score

-0.03 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: France
Year added: 2018

Founded in 1946 and headquartered in Paris, France, EDF is a leading company in the energy sector with a diverse portfolio. The company's business is structured into several key segments: nuclear energy, renewable energies (including wind, solar, and hydroelectric power), energy services and solutions focusing on energy efficiency, natural gas and thermal energy, power generation and supply, along with a strong emphasis on research and development in energy technologies. EDF is recognized as a prominent brand within the industry, complimented by various subsidiary brands tailored to regional markets, such as EDF Renewables and EDF Energy in the UK. Their products and services have a strong presence in their home market of France, as well as in international markets including the UK, Italy, Belgium, China, and the renewables sector in the United States through EDF Renewables. The company continues to expand its reach, supplying energy and services to numerous countries around the globe. (Powered by AI)

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