Aker Horizons ASA

Aker Horizons ASA

Community score

-0.89 -55
Industry: Wind Technology & Energy Services
Listing country: Norway
Year added: 2022

Aker Horizons ASA, established in 2020 and headquartered in Fornebu, Norway, operates primarily in the renewable energy and green technology sectors. This holding and investment company has a distinctive focus on investing in and developing entities within key renewable energy markets like wind and solar energy, as well as carbon capture and storage. Aker Horizons holds significant stakes in several industry players including Aker Offshore Wind, Aker Carbon Capture, Aker Clean Hydrogen, and REC Silicon. The reach of its portfolio extends to multiple countries across continents, primarily targeting regions where the renewable energy sector is well-established or demonstrating growth—spanning various markets in Europe and North America, among others. (Powered by AI)

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Aker Horizons ASA

Wind turbines consist mainly of steel (comprising 72.5 of the total turbine mass on average), fiberglass, resin, or plastic (13.5%), iron or cast iron (11%), copper (1%), and aluminum (1%)1. Landfilling waste contributes to climate change by gener...

Gift O. January 30th, 2024
10 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

Energy is essential for life and all processes in the universe1. We use it to heat and cool spaces and we need it in abundance to run all kinds of modern amenities from light bulbs to vehicles1The size of the global power generation market was U...

Muhammad Aqib A. November 28th, 2023
50 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

Annually, about 4 trillion m3 of freshwater is consumed across the globe1. Globally, 783 million (Mn) people (about 11% of the total population) lack clean drinking water access, while another 2.5 billion lack basic sanitation services2. Prolonged...

Ifeoluwa I. November 22nd, 2023
18 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

According to the ILO, an organization needs 40-60% representation of either gender to achieve gender balance1;pxii. As of 2022, women constitute 47.7% of the global workforce, while their representation in leadership roles is only 27.1%2. Women's ...

Andrew A. November 30th, 2023
24 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

The world generates around 7.6 billion tonnes (t) of industrial waste annually1. Industrial waste produced can be hazardous or non-hazardous, and can either be biodegradable or not, hence the need to put proper handling measures. This includes pro...

Andrew A. October 26th, 2023
18 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

Generation of electricity from non-renewable sources, such as fossil fuels, results in emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides, which can cause global warming and air pollution1,10. In 2022, global energy-related GHG emissions totale...

Bayonle B. October 23rd, 2023
32 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

As of 2021, 50 million (Mn) people are living in modern slavery, out of which 28 Mn are in forced labor1. The renewable energy sector is linked to various poor labour practices including forced labour and slavery2. Contemporary forms of forced lab...

Oyelakin M. October 20th, 2023
10 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

Around 3.32 billion people are employed globally as of 20221. Job creation is vital for society, as well as for the economy2. It fuels economic growth as the spending of wages leads to higher consumer spending3. It reduces poverty by providing soc...

Kanak _. June 19th, 2023
18 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

GHGs trap the sun's heat and cause a rise in temperature, sea level, extreme weather conditions, and climate change1. Industries need to develop carbon-free systems to meet the Paris Agreement's goal of keeping the atmospheric temperature rise wel...

Njeri B. June 12th, 2023
18 ratings
Aker Horizons ASA

In order to ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded by taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. On average, the stat...

Ajay A. June 9th, 2023
20 ratings

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