TravelSky Technology Ltd

TravelSky Technology Ltd

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Industry: Software & IT
Listing country: Hong Kong
Year added: 2022

TravelSky Technology Ltd., incorporated in 2001, has established its headquarters in Beijing, China. This company specializes in various business segments, predominantly in the aviation sector. The critical categories of its operations include Aviation Information Technology Solutions, Distribution Information Technology Solutions, and Accounting, Settlement, and Clearing Services. While TravelSky serves as the main brand, reflecting its focus on information technology for aviation and travel, the company's products and services are primarily provided to the Chinese domestic market. It caters to commercial airlines and airports within China, yet it maintains an international presence by offering services to airlines worldwide and connecting with other global distribution systems. (Powered by AI)

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TravelSky Technology Ltd
TravelSky Technology Ltd
TravelSky Technology Ltd
TravelSky Technology Ltd