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-1.41 -55
Industry: Oil & Gas - Exploration & Production
Listing country: Thailand
Year added: 2022

PTT PCL, also known as PTT Public Company Limited, is a diversified energy company that was founded in 1978 and is headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. The company engages in a multitude of business segments, including the upstream petroleum and gas business, with activities in exploration and production of petroleum, natural gas, and petrochemicals; the downstream petroleum business, focusing on refining crude oil and marketing and distributing petroleum products; and the petrochemicals and chemicals business, encompassing the production and distribution of various related products. In addition to these core sectors, PTT PCL runs a gasoline retail business, operating a network of service stations across Thailand that provide gasoline, diesel, and other related products, under the brand name PTT. It's also known for its successful coffee shop chain, CAFÉ Amazon, frequently found at these service stations. Furthermore, the company has an international trading business, dealing with the import and export of a wide range of commodities including crude oil and refined petroleum products. Two of PTT PCL's most prominent brands are PTT, the primary brand emblematic of its fuel stations and various petroleum and petrochemical products; and Gasohol, a gasoline mixed with ethanol. Another notable brand is PTTEP, representing PTT Exploration and Production, specialized in the exploration and production segment of the petroleum and gas business. While its major operations and services are concentrated in Thailand, PTT Group also extends its reach globally, with a significant presence in Southeast Asia, leveraging its segments and subsidiaries to partake in the international market. (Powered by AI)

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