Coca Cola

Coca Cola

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-1.91 -55
Industry: Soft Drinks & Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 1892, the company in question has its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. It operates within various business segments, primarily focusing on the production and distribution of beverages. These segments include sparkling soft drinks; water, enhanced water, and sports drinks; juice, dairy, and plant-based drinks; tea and coffee; and energy drinks. The company's portfolio comprises several influential brands which have a strong presence in the beverage market. Among these are Coca-Cola, Diet Coke/Coca-Cola Light, Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, Sprite, and Fanta, all of which are known for their sparkling soft drinks. The brand Dasani is recognized for water, while Powerade falls under sports drinks. Juice, dairy, and plant-based beverages are represented by brands such as Minute Maid and Simply Orange. Georgia Coffee and Gold Peak denote the company's venture into the tea and coffee segment, while Vitaminwater is associated with enhanced water offerings. Globally recognized, the company's products are available in over 200 countries and territories, making it a prominent player in the worldwide market. While these products are ubiquitously sold across multiple nations, the United States serves as a core market. Other key markets that contribute significantly to its revenue and have high market penetration include Mexico, China, Brazil, Japan, and several European countries. (Powered by AI)

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