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+0.95 -55
Industry: Mortgage & Real Estate Finance
Listing country: United Kingdom
Year added: 2022

OSB Group PLC, incorporated in 2011 and based in Chatham, Kent, United Kingdom, is a financial services group that offers an array of products and services through multiple business segments. Significant segments include Buy-to-Let/SME for mortgage loans and finance products tailored for professional landlords and SMEs, Residential Mortgages that provide lending services for residential property purchases and remortgaging, and Personal Loans and Residential Development for secured lending and development finance. Prominent brands under the OSB Group umbrella are Kent Reliance, offering savings and mortgage services; InterBay Commercial with a focus on commercial and buy-to-let mortgages; Prestige Finance, specializing in second charge mortgages; and Heritable Development Finance, catering to property development loans. Concentrated mainly in the United Kingdom, OSB Group PLC operates within the regulatory frameworks applicable to the financial sector within this region, directing its marketing efforts and product sales mostly to the UK market. (Powered by AI)

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