

Community score

+0.33 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: Spain
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 1992, Iberdrola established its headquarters in Bilbao, Spain. The company excels in several key business categories, focusing mainly on renewable energy, networks, and wholesale and retail. Additionally, it maintains a presence in various other sectors, ranging from services to gas supply and thermal generation. While Iberdrola is recognized under its own name as its primary brand, it also operates in multiple important international markets. Among the most significant are Spain and the United Kingdom, where it is known through ScottishPower. In the United States, it operates under the subsidiary Avangrid, with further expansions into Mexico and Brazil. Though Iberdrola's reach extends into other European countries and around the world, its influence is notably stronger in its primary markets. (Powered by AI)

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