Forvia SE

Forvia SE

Community score

-0.76 -55
Industry: Automotive Parts
Listing country: France
Year added: 2022

Forvia SE, an automotive supplier located in Nanterre, France, was established in 2022 from the merger of Faurecia and a majority of HELLA. It operates in several key segments, including Automotive Seating, Interiors Systems, Emissions Control Technologies, Automotive Lighting, and Electronics. The company's brand portfolio is headlined by Faurecia and HELLA, reflecting its heritage from the respective companies. Forvia SE boasts a global presence, with products and services offered in numerous countries worldwide. Its most significant markets are in Europe, North America, Asia—with a focus on China—and South America, where it serves a diverse range of automotive manufacturers and caters to various market demands. (Powered by AI)

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