Enphase Energy

Enphase Energy

Community score

+2.13 -55
Industry: Solar Technology & Energy Services
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2021

Enphase Energy, incorporated in 2006, is headquartered in Fremont, California, USA. The company primarily operates under its own brand, "Enphase Energy," and engages in several key business categories such as solar microinverters, energy storage systems, energy management and monitoring software, and other energy-related services. Enphase Energy has a global presence, with its products and services sold in several important countries. Among these, the United States has traditionally been one of the company's largest markets. Other significant markets include Australia, France, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, Germany, India, Belgium, Italy, and Spain. The prominence of these markets may fluctuate due to market conditions and changes in the company's sales strategies. (Powered by AI)

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