Western Union

Western Union

Community score

+0.24 -55
Industry: Software & IT
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in the year 1851, the company has established its headquarters in Denver, Colorado, in the United States. It has grown to become a major player in the financial services sector, focusing on various segments such as Consumer-to-Consumer, Consumer-to-Business, Business Solutions, and Bill Payments. Underscoring its strong brand equity, the most important brand operating under its umbrella is Western Union itself, synonymous with the diverse financial services it offers. Western Union boasts a pervasive global presence, with products and services sold across more than 200 countries and territories. Key markets including the United States, India, China, Mexico, and the Philippines are critical to the company's operations, primarily due to the high demand for remittance services within these nations. (Powered by AI)

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