Wec Energy

Wec Energy

Community score

-0.95 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: United States
Year added: 2018

WEC Energy Group, Inc. came into existence on July 1, 2015, following the consolidation of Wisconsin Energy Corporation and Integrys Energy Group. Based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, the company has positioned itself as a significant player in the energy sector, focusing on several crucial business categories. These include electric utility operations, natural gas utility operations, electric transmission, and non-utility energy infrastructure which encompasses renewable energy as well as gas storage and pipelines. The company's operating segments are represented through a collection of prominent brands, stemming from its subsidiaries. Notably, these brands encompass We Energies (Wisconsin Electric Power Company), Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, Peoples Gas, North Shore Gas, Michigan Gas Utilities, and Minnesota Energy Resources. WEC Energy Group's operational footprint is primarily in the United States, with its products and services being predominantly offered to the markets in Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota. (Powered by AI)

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