Sumitomo Metal Mining

Sumitomo Metal Mining

Community score

-1.71 -55
Industry: Metals & Mining
Listing country: Japan
Year added: 2018

Established in 1950 and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, Sumitomo Metal Mining is a corporation recognized for its extensive operations in the field of mineral resources, smelting and refining, as well as materials. Known prominently by its own name rather than distinct brand names, the company maintains a global presence. Key markets for Sumitomo Metal Mining include Japan, several Asian countries, North America, and various other regions. The company is involved in the mining and selling of minerals and also excels in the production of refined metals and advanced materials. (Powered by AI)

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Sumitomo Metal Mining

Every year, about 4 trillion m3 of water is consumed worldwide1. Only 3% of the total available water on Earth is freshwater, and only 0.5% is available for human consumption2. Around 20% of the total water consumption is used by industry3;p7. Pro...

Muhammad Aqib A. February 6th, 2024
32 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

Metals and minerals, inorganic substances found in the Earth's crust, significantly impact our daily lives1. Essential for constructing homes and schools, generating heat and electricity, and manufacturing key components of hygiene and health prod...

Muhammad S. January 24th, 2024
22 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

To ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded through taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. Corporate taxes accounte...

Muhammad Aqib A. February 7th, 2024
12 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

Whenever metals with high density, like zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt, silver, etc., are released into the environment via landfills or waste sites, they seep into the soil and water, leading to ecosystem damage1;p1-2, 2, 3. Their presence in the s...

Kithembe M. September 21st, 2023
14 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

A diverse workplace expands people's ability to develop talents and skills by exchanging various ideas and expertise1. Discrimination leads to loneliness, and a loss of self-esteem2. Fostering the inclusion of minorities helps them economically su...

Bolu F. August 31st, 2023
20 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

Around 3.3 billion people are employed globally as of 20221.  Job creation stimulates economic growth by increasing consumer spending2. It also reduces poverty by providing social protection for workers and their families, offers prospects for per...

Dolapo J. August 22nd, 2023
18 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

Mining exerts pressure on all ecosystems1. As of 2022, mining used over 10 million (Mn) hectares (ha) of land globally14. Mining alters landscapes as it removes topsoil, which hinders vegetation growth in the future2.  A stretch of 50 km can be di...

Afolabi B. May 31st, 2023
18 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

The working conditions in the mining sector are tainted with forced labour (child labour as well), excessive working hours, bonded labour, lack of protective equipment, etc1,2. As of 2021, around 50 million (Mn) people are subjected to modern slav...

S Chandrakant Reddy S. May 15th, 2023
20 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

According to ILO, gender parity is 40%-60% of either gender1;pxii. Women's underrepresentation puts them at an economic disadvantage2. Increasing women's participation will help them support their families and contribute to development2. The minin...

Ramee B. August 9th, 2023
18 ratings
Sumitomo Metal Mining

GHGs trap the Sun's heat and cause a rise in temperature, sea level, extreme weather conditions, and climate change5. In 2021, global GHG emissions amounted to 40.8 billion (Bn) tonnes (t) of CO2e6. Industries need to develop carbon-free systems t...

S Chandrakant Reddy S. September 4th, 2023
34 ratings

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