

Community score

+0.68 -55
Industry: Aerospace & Defense
Listing country: France
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 2005, with headquarters based in Paris, France, the company is a prominent player in sectors such as aerospace propulsion, which encompasses aircraft and rocket engines, aircraft equipment including landing gear and brakes, defense, and space. The brand portfolio comprises leading names such as Safran Aircraft Engines, Safran Helicopter Engines, Safran Landing Systems, Safran Electronics & Defense, Safran Seats, Safran Aerosystems, and Safran Cabin. These brands represent the company's dedication to innovation and excellence within the industry. With a global operational footprint, it has marked significant sales across Europe, North America, and Asia. Critical markets fostering the company's growth include France, the United States, China, and Germany, showcasing the ubiquitous reach of its aerospace and defense solutions. (Powered by AI)

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