Reckitt Benckiser

Reckitt Benckiser

Community score

-0.96 -55
Industry: Household Products & Personal Care
Listing country: United Kingdom
Year added: 2018

Reckitt, previously known as Reckitt Benckiser, is a leading British multinational consumer goods company, established in 1999 through the merger of Reckitt & Colman plc from the UK and Benckiser NV from the Netherlands. The company is based in Slough, England and specializes in three primary business segments: Health, Hygiene, and Nutrition. Under these categories, Reckitt boasts a prolific portfolio of brands that cater to a myriad of consumer needs. In the Health segment, brands like Durex, Gaviscon, Mucinex, Nurofen, and Strepsils are well-known. For Hygiene, products from Lysol, Dettol, Harpic, Finish, and Vanish are popular. The Nutrition segment includes notable brands like Enfamil and Nutramigen. With a broad international reach, Reckitt's products and services are sold in key markets across the globe including the United States, the United Kingdom, China, India, and Australia, as well as numerous other locations throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas. This global distribution has cemented the company's reputation as a house of trusted and recognized brands. (Powered by AI)

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