Origin Energy

Origin Energy

Community score

-1.54 -55
Industry: Electric Utilities
Listing country: Australia
Year added: 2018

Incorporated in 2000, the company has its headquarters located in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. The most important business categories for the company are divided into three key segments. The Integrated Gas segment is responsible for liquefied natural gas production and encompasses gas exploration and production activities. The Energy Markets segment focuses on electricity retail sales, electricity generation, and natural gas retail sales. Additionally, the company is involved in Other segments which may include activities in solar energy solutions, energy storage technologies, and electric vehicle charging stations, although the specific activities within this category continue to evolve in response to energy market dynamics. The primary brand under which the company operates is Origin Energy. As for geographic reach, Origin Energy predominantly serves the Australian market, providing products and services to residential and business customers throughout the country. (Powered by AI)

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Origin Energy

Around 746 million (Mn) people lack access to electricity globally, as of 20231. Electricity is fundamental to accessing essential resources, such as clean water, sanitation, healthcare, etc2. As of 2023, about 500,000 people, accounting for 2% of...

Ebenezer O. February 23rd, 2024
16 ratings
Origin Energy

Electricity has been reported to change the world, create jobs, impact medical care, and so on1. Energy poverty is defined "as having to pay above 10% of the households’ income" in basic energy needs2;p2.

In Australia, the average residential el...

Bayonle B. January 23rd, 2024
20 ratings
Origin Energy

Generation of electricity from non-renewable sources, such as using fossils, results in emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxides, which can cause global warming and air pollution1. In 2022, global energy-related GHG emissions tota...

Toluwalope T. February 26th, 2024
22 ratings
Origin Energy

Fossil fuels provide 84.3% of the world's energy (including power, transportation, and heat)1. Electricity or gas is required for lighting, cooking, heating or cooling of areas, refrigeration, running electronics, computers, appliances, machinery,...

Emmanuel J. January 10th, 2024
18 ratings
Origin Energy

Minority inclusion in the workplace enables them to improve their socioeconomic status, increase their educational achievements, and acquire improved health services1. Discrimination, unemployment, and the pay gap make it harder for minorities to ...

Damola D. December 12th, 2023
18 ratings
Origin Energy

In order to ensure strong institutions and the well-being of society, governments spend a considerable amount of the state's budget on public goods and services, which are funded through taxes paid by individuals and corporations1. Corporate taxes...

Muhammad S. October 10th, 2023
14 ratings
Origin Energy

About 785 million (Mn) people do not have access to basic drinking water services1, while 2.7 billion (Bn) people are experiencing water scarcity at least a month in a year2. The world's total water demand is 4,600 Bn m3 at present3. Prolonged wat...

Alex O. October 5th, 2023
44 ratings
Origin Energy

Around 3.3 billion people are employed globally as of 20221. Job creation is vital for society, as well as for the economy2. It fuels economic growth as the spending of wages leads to a higher rate of consumer spending3, it reduces poverty as it p...

Ghulam G. September 20th, 2023
20 ratings
Origin Energy

Annually, the world generates 2 Bn tonnes (t) of solid municipal waste1. About 40% of the waste generated globally is managed improperly, dumped, or openly burned, while only ~14% is recycled2. Landfilled waste releases greenhouse gases such as CO...

Damola D. June 9th, 2023
20 ratings
Origin Energy

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), about 340 million (Mn) occupational accidents and 160 Mn victims of job-related illnesses are reported per year globally1. The utility industry reported 3,900 nonfatal injuries/illnesses in...

Emmanuel J. May 12th, 2023
18 ratings

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