NGK Insulators

NGK Insulators

Community score

-0.76 -55
Industry: Automotive Parts
Listing country: Japan
Year added: 2018

NGK Insulators, Ltd., incorporated in 1919, is headquartered in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan. The company operates primarily in four business segments. The first is the production of automotive components, specialising in spark plugs and oxygen sensors for internal combustion engines, alongside parts for electric vehicles. The second segment focuses on technical ceramics, which are utilised in a myriad of applications such as electronics, fuel cells, and industrial machinery. The process technology segment involves providing equipment and systems designed for the chemical and ceramics industries. Lastly, they manufacture ceramics and related products for the energy infrastructure sector, offering solutions for power generation, transmission, and distribution, including insulators and NAS batteries for energy storage. The brands "NGK" and "NTK" are flagship brands of NGK Insulators. "NGK" is renowned for its spark plugs and automotive components, while "NTK" is known for high-quality technical ceramics, sensor technology, and cutting tools. The company's products and services have a global reach, with a strong presence in markets such as the United States, Japan, Europe, and China. Additionally, NGK Insulators sells to various other international markets through an extensive network of subsidiaries and distribution channels. (Powered by AI)

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