United Airlines' airfares are lower than the US national average (2022)

Written by
User profile picture 2021-01-05 - Impact Analyst Manisha R. Jul 5th, 2023
Reviewed by
2020-08-03 - Impact Analyst Luca L.

Globally, access to air travel remains unequal and constrained by the passenger's income1. Less than 20% of the world's population had ever flown, and only 5-10% fly yearly2;p11. As of 2022, 30% percent of US citizens have never left the US13. Num...

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#Affordable #air transport #Social stability #Airfare

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Written by
User profile picture 2021-01-05 - Impact Analyst Manisha R. Jul 5th, 2023
Reviewed by
2020-08-03 - Impact Analyst Luca L.

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