In FY2023, DS Smith reported 287 total accidents, 0 fatalities, and 103 lost time injuries

Written by
2021-12-09 - Impact Analyst Kanak _. Dec 5th, 2023
Reviewed by
2020-08-03 - Impact Analyst Luca L.

Modern slavery violates human rights as it strips people's freedom forcing them to work through threats & violence1. As of 2021, 50 million (Mn) people are living in modern slavery, out of which 28 Mn are in forced labour2. Around 2.3 million (Mn)...

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#labor #safety #death #fatality

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Written by
2021-12-09 - Impact Analyst Kanak _. Dec 5th, 2023
Reviewed by
2020-08-03 - Impact Analyst Luca L.

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