In 2022, Duke Energy released 62,000t of air pollutants and was responsible for 1.9 m3 of oil spills

Adverse Health Impacts on Communities

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Around 94% of the global population is exposed to air pollution, which causes 7 million (Mn) deaths per year1. In power plants, burning fossil fuels for electricity generation releases sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOX), and others that may negatively impact human health2. Exposure to NOx and SOx can cause lungs and heart diseases3. Oil slips can cause groundwater contamination, polluting drinking water supplies4. Oil can stay in the soil or groundwater for 20 to 30 years5. Coal ash contains hazardous substances such as arsenic and lead which can cause cancer, infertility, and others9

Duke Energy is a US energy firm6. In 2022, it released 60,000 tonnes (t) of air pollutants, comprising 41,000 t of NOX and 19,000 t of SO27;p39. In 2022, it reported 10 spills equivalent to 1.9 m37;p42. These spills contaminated about 1.9 Mn m3 of water10.

Duke's electric substations in North and South Carolina released 11 t of sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) into the environment in 202011. SF6 gas inhalation can cause lung irritation, convulsions, and kidney damage12;p1. In the last decade, Duke has released 119 t of SF611. In 2020, Duke and North Carolina came to an agreement for the removal of 72.5 Mn t of coal ash from six of its plants13. Its coal ash has been stored for many years in ponds or landfills, frequently close to waterways13. Duke has a history of polluting; in 2018, at three of its stations, coal ash leached into groundwater and the nearby rivers which led to $156,000 fines13.

In a 2021 assessment, Duke's CCR-multi unit in North Carolina was reported to have arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, lead, lithium, and thallium all above their respective threasholds15;pc3. Duke operates 11 nuclear plants in North and South Carolina8. In North Carolina, air pollution is the third-leading cause of premature death, resulting in 6,000 hospitalizations for respiratory illnesses and 2,000 for cardiovascular illnesses per year14.

Duke's pollution has harmful impacts on people.

#pollution #oil spills #SF6 #sf6

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Adverse Health Impacts on Communities

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