80 Acres Farms' GHG emissions in 2022 amounted to an estimated 13,000 tonnes of CO2e
Around 40.8 billion (Bn) tonnes (t) of CO2e are emitted globally every year1. CO2e levels are the highest ever recorded2, trapping heat and changing the climate3. In the US, agriculture is estimated to contribute to 11.2% of greenhouse gas emissions, mainly in the form of N₂O from "cropped and grazed soils"14.
80 Acres Farms produces fruits, herbs, and vegetables and currently owns eight vertical farms in the US8,9,10. The company's latest farm in Ohio has a 6,500 m2 capacity15. Assuming the other seven farms have a similar capacity, the company uses 52,000 m2 of a vertical farming area, producing an estimated 7,200 tonnes (t) of food annually11,8.
Electricity demands made up most of the emissions of traditional vertical farms, representing 85% of the emissions16. However, studies estimate that by using 100% renewable energy, vertical farms are able to abate 78% of their estimated emissions16,10. Vertical farming methods using renewable energy are estimated to emit roughly 1.8 kg-CO2e per tonne of leafy vegetables from cradle-to-grave16. This estimation assumes crops don't travel more than 15 km to their point of sale, as vertical farms are located near cities and main retail sites16.
Considering 80 Acres Farms grew 7,200 tonnes of produce, the company emitted roughly 13,000 tCO2e11,8,16. Of this, an estimated 64% (4,600 t-CO2e) of the emissions come from the core activity of producing the crops, followed by 22% (2,860 tCO2e) from upstream crop emissions16;fig.11.
Aside from using 100% renewable energy, 80 Acres have managed to reduce 500,000 trucking miles (804,672 km) a year per farm9. Considering an average truck emits 0.001 tonnes per km, the company avoids 6,700 t-CO2e per year on transportation13,9.
Even though the company's initiatives allow internal emission reductions, 80 Acres Farms is still contributing to global warming on a small scale.
Actual Direct Impact
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